I enjoy doing advertising.
I have been doing it with passion since 1992.
I know it from the inside out.
With each project I am looking for
the perfect shape of the egg.
And the happy song of the chicken
when making it.
I can feel with my own mustache
the magic of the moving shadows
on the screen.
The hundreds of commercials
I have done led me to
better filmmaking, and the reverse.
For me, the thought that
one can change the TV channel
is very exciting.
It is like highwire walking.
Nothing is more stimulating
than rehearsing with the actors
on stage.
The apetite for working with actors
widened my perspective
as a film director.
I have been taking photographs
ever since I was a kid.
Sometimes, this is my way of understanding the people and the world around me.
The way I tell stories visually
is deeply anchored in my
passion for photography.